INTERCOMPANY BILLING Business case: - Customer orders goods to company code/Sales organization A (Eg.4211/4211). Sales org 4211 will accept and punch the order in the system with sold to party as end customer code in the system. Company code/sales org B (Eg.4436) will deliver the goods to end customer and raise an inter-company billing on 4211 with reference to delivery. This can happen only after 4211 raises invoice to his end customer to whom the material has been delivered by 4436. SPRO Customization required:- 1. Assign plant of delivering company code (Eg.SI81) to sales org/distribution channel combination of ordering company code (Eg.4211/RT) 2. Maintain intercom any billing type as IV for sales document type OR 3. Assign Organizational Units By Plant (Eg.SI81/4211/RT/11) 4.Define Internal Customer Number By Sales Organization (Eg.4436 will create customer master for 4211 company code and that number will be maintained in this relationship:-4211/231) 5. Automatic posting...