
Showing posts from December, 2010


1. List the SYSTEM Modules that are Included in the Financial Application Component. The following SYSTEM modules are included in the financial application component: ¡ FI—Financial Accounting ¡ CO—Controlling ¡ EC—Enterprise Controlling ¡ IM—Investment Management ¡ PS—Project System 2. List the SYSTEM Modules that are Included in the Human Resource Application (Human Capital Management)Component. The following SYSTEM modules are included in the human resource application component: ¡ PA—Personnel Administration ¡ PT—Personnel Time Management ¡ PY—Payroll 3. List the SYSTEM Modules that are Included in the Logistic Application Component. The following SYSTEM modules are included in the logistic application component: ¡ SD—Sales and Distribution ¡ MM—Materials Management ¡ PP—Production Planning and Control ¡ LE—Logistics Execution ¡ QM—Quality Management ¡ CS—Customer Service 4. List the Components the SD Module Consists of. The SD module consists of the fol...


SAP SD IMP NOTES Manoj Kumar E-Mail: ENTERPRISE STRCTURE CLIENT (Company)-A client is a self-contained technical unit. A client can be considered to be a synonym for group. Company Code • A complete Accounting unit can be representing as the smallest organizational unit of external accounting. • At Company Code level we create .. Balance sheet required by law .. Profit and Loss statement. • Each company code represents an independent accounting unit. Several company codes can use the same chart of account. Assignment .. Company code to company .. Company code to Credit control area .. Company code to Controlling area .. Company code to financial management area • (An FM Area is organizational unit which Plans, Controls and Monitors funds and commitment budgets) .. Controlling area to financial management area .. Controlling area to Operating Concern Sales Organization • The highest-level of organizational unit in SD is Sales Organizatio...


I BASIS KNOWLEDGE AND SYSTEM NAVIGATION Name two ways to start a transaction. Dynamic Menu Command Field Why do you create user-specific parameters? They supply defaults to R/3 fields. If a field is indicated, the system automatically fills in default value. Depending on the field definition, the entry can also be replaced with a value entered by the user. (Concept of PARAMETER ID) Name the three different kinds of messages in the R/3 system. What is the difference between them? A message can have five different types. These message types have the following effects during list processing: A (=Abend): The system displays a message of this message type in a dialog window. After the user confirms the message using ENTER, the system terminates the entire transaction (for example SE38). E (=Error) or W (=Warning): The system displays a message of this message type in the status line. After the user chooses ENTER, the system acts as follows: While creating the basic list, the ...